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Presentation Process and Role

ewernli edited this page Oct 30, 2012 · 1 revision

Each team will present briefly its organization:

  • You have 5 min to talk--be brief and focused.
  • One or multiple members can present
  • Use your own computer. It needs VGA connectivity for the beamer

Hints for content

Present anything useful that explains how you work together. Here are some hint how to tackle that:

  • What roles do members have? Are all members interchangeable or do some member have specific roles?
  • What tools do you use? Did you configure them in a special way? How, Why?
  • What is your workflow/process?
  • How do you communicate together? How do you relay information, e.g. if a member was absent at a meeting?
  • How do you share the workload between the members?

An interesting exercise is to do a retrospective:

  • What worked as expected or not? What are you happy with / unhappy with?
  • What do you plan to change in the future?
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