A manager for user account creation, connection, and editing. Users can log in and stay connected between sessions. Supports MySQL, and SQLite for local testing.
User stays connected between app launches.
Validation conditions are updated continuously when fields are filled. Input areas and validation conditions are styled in real-time as valid (green) or invalid (orange), and submit button goes from greyed-out and disabled to green when all conditions are met.
Likewise, users can only confirm validated changes.
SQLite (for local testing) or MySQL can be used to store registered users.
You can populate your database with example users by going into the Database menu.
- "GUIUserAccountControlTest.java" tests GUI elements (fields, buttons, menus).
- "GUISettingsUserAccountControlTest.java" tests the database settings dialog (made seperate from the above to allow testing of GUI elements with your own database).
- "UserAccountControlTest.java" tests field validation, SQL injection, field formatting, submit button activation, and user creation and connection.
All dependencies are included in the project's pom.xml file.
- JUnit 5
- javafx15
- testfx
- bcrypt
- jdbc_mysql
- jdbc_sqlite