this is project templates based on oak where routing is generated based on file-system routing for example we have the following mapping :
file relative path route path http method
g_.ts pagesCtrl/todos/g_.ts todos/ GET
g_[id].ts pagesCtrl/todos/g_[id].ts todos/:id/ GET
p_.ts pagesCtrl/todos/g_.ts todos/ POST
d_[id].ts pagesCtrl/todos/d_[id].ts todos/:id/ DELETE
put_[id].ts pagesCtrl/todos/put_[id].ts todos/:id/ PUT
project template structure :
├── a.ts
├── cli
│ └── oakFileSysRouting.ts
├── cli.ts
├── _cmd.txt
├── config.ts
├── deno.json
├── import_map.json
├── pagesCtrl
│ └── oak_fs_routing_ui
│ ├── g_.html
│ ├── g_.ts
│ └── p_.ts
├── routes_for_admin.ts
├── routes_for_dev_ui.ts
├── routes_for_private.ts
├── routes_for_public.ts
├── screens
├── server_dev_ui.ts
├── server.ts
└── todo.txt
for generate controller based on file system routing we have web interface for this : run
deno task ui
(after dowling th e repo )
then we have this web interface for creating controller
then we fill the form
if controller name start with g_ that mean the http methode is get
if controller name start with p_ that mean the http methode is post
if controller name start with put_ that mean the http methode is put
if controller name start with delete_ that mean the http methode is delete
start dev server
controller with default contenent generated auto