This code is a bridge between glyphicons and google maps
Since google mpas accept only images and simple paths as markers, one should not be able to use glyphicons on a google maps implementation. Google maps markers images can find their source in images url and in complete innline URIs.
Therefore generating a URI from a glyph allow if used as follows to keep the scalability and coloration of the glyphicons even on maps.
var mapItem = {
var latitude, longitude, myMarker, markerSource, marker;
longitude = mapItem.longitude;
latitude = mapItem.latitude;
markerSource = mapItem.ImgSrc;
if (typeof longitude !== 'undefined' && typeof latitude !== 'undefined') {
myMarker = {
position: new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude),
map: this.gmObject
if (typeof markerSource !== 'string') {
if (mapItem.glyph && true) {
markerSource = glyph.toDataUri(mapItem.glyph, mapItem.color);
if (typeof markerSource === 'string'){
myMarker.icon = {
url: markerSource,
scaledSize: new google.maps.Size(24, 24)
marker = new google.maps.Marker(myMarker);
return marker;