We will be going over the steps of how to create a bucket in S3 using plain Javascript and connecting it to your Node App.
NOTE: Words in ALL_CAPS are words that are meant to be replaced
- Install AWS CLI
- Create AWS Account
- Create an S3 Bucket
- Create an IAM Group
- Create an IAM User
- Make a Cognito Pool id
- Get Unautherized Role arn
- Input Bucket Policy
- Setting up my local environment
- Create your project
- First step is to Install aws cli
- After cli is installed, run command
in your terminal and it should output:- If you got a message that says the command doesn't exist, try and redo the steps to install aws cli
If you want to know more about the aws command, you can look up the documentation or in a windows type help aws, mac type man aws for a manual on the parameters and how to use it. 1
- If you got a message that says the command doesn't exist, try and redo the steps to install aws cli
- Head over to the aws website and create an account
- In the search bar, type in S3 and navigate to it
- Create a bucket with a meaningful name AND put the bucket region to US West (Oregon)
NOTE: This is the closest working region. You will be referencing this region later with us-west-2
- Go ahead and click next on the rest of the sections and create the bucket
- We are done on this section for now!
- Navigate to your AWS Management Console
- In the search bar, type in IAM and click on the link
If you want to know more about IAM, complete documentation is here
- As best practice, we will be making a group and setting policies/rules that are attached to whatever user we put in that group
- On the left pane, click the
link - Click
Create new Group
- Input meaningful group name and hit next
- On the Attach Permissions step, type in S3 in the search bar and check the box that says
Note: We'll have to review these policies in the future so the user doesn't have too much access
- Click next and create the group!
- Now that the group is created, it's time to make a user
- On the left pane, click the
link - Click the blue
Add User
button to begin creating a user - Input a meaningful user name and check the box for
Programmatic access
then click next - The group you created should show up, go ahead and check the box and hit next
- Use the default values for the next steps and create the User but DO NOT close the tab yet
- On Step 5, after creating the user, make sure you copy or download your Access Key and Secret Key
Note: This step is SUPER important because the Secret Access key and Access Key ID will not appear again after you close this page.
- After you download, you can click the close button
- You should now be able to see the user you created and the group that the user is a part of
- Navigate to Services drop down on the top of your nav bar and type Cognito in the search bar and click it 2
- On this page you have two options. Go ahead and click on the Manage Identity Pools button
- Next click on the Create New Identity Pool button
- Input a meaningful identity pool name and check the
Enable access to unauthenticated identities
check box then click Create Pool button - Make sure to read the differences between authenticated 3 and unauthenticated 4 users on the following page. Check also how to grant least privileges to users.
- Click
- There is a bit of things to pay special attention to on this page. Make sure your platform is set to javascript and copy your identity pool id.
Note: Don't freak out if you closed this window. You can get the
pool credentials
by clicking on services drop down on your navbar and searching cognito and pressing themanage identity pool
button and clicking on the pool id you created.
- Navigate to your IAM from the Services drop down menu in your navbar
- Navigate to Roles on the left pane and you should see the cognito role you created. Both an unautherized and autherized version. Click on the Unautherized role name.
- You should be able to see the ARN now. Go ahead and copy and save that arn. You'll be using it in the next step.
Navigate to
thenBucket Policy
and input JSON{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": [ "YO_UNAUTHERIZED_POOL_ID_ROLE_ARN", "arn:aws:iam::YO_12_DIGIT_NUMBER_IN_ARN:root" ] }, "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::YO_BUCKET_NAME", "arn:aws:s3:::YO_BUCKET_NAME/*" ] } ] }
replace names in caps with your bucket name and the unautherized cognito role arn you created then click save
On the same bucket, navigate to
CORS Configuration
and input below code to enable CORS and then click the save button on the right of your screen<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"> <CORSRule> <AllowedOrigin>*</AllowedOrigin> <AllowedMethod>POST</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>PUT</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>DELETE</AllowedMethod> <AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod> <AllowedHeader>*</AllowedHeader> </CORSRule> </CORSConfiguration>
Start your Terminal/cmd
run the command 'aws configure' in your terminal/cmd and input the Access ID, Secret Key, region name: us-west-2, and output format: JSON
This will create a file
in your home directory withcredentials
file created inside -
Follow these steps to set up your credentials if my process has lost you
You need to put anything that has export in the
for your Mac or your environment variables on Windows. If your Mac doesn't have a~/.bash_profile
, create this file with the commandtouch ~/.bash_profile
For Mac ~/.bash_profileexport AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=((your access key id goes here)) export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=((your secret access key))
For Windows Environment Variables
set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=((your access key id goes here)) set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=((your secret access key))
Then, type in
source ~/.bashrc
and this should set your environment variables
Create a Project Directory and in the project terminal, input
npm init -y
Now that you have that set up, you'll need to install aws-sdk with
npm i aws-sdk && npm i uuid
in your project directory -
refer to aws-sdk site or uuid site if you need help knowing what the packages do
Create a Project Directory with an html file that has the following example code.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://sdk.amazonaws.com/js/aws-sdk-2.283.1.min.js"></script> <script src="./pushimage.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>My Photo Albums App</h1> <div id="app"> <input type="file" id="photoupload" /> <input type="submit" onclick="addPhoto('BUCKET_NAME')" /> </div> </body> </html>
Also, create a js file that has the following example code:
const albumBucketName = "BUCKET_NAME"; const bucketRegion = "BUCKET_REGION"; const IdentityPoolId = "UNAUTHERIZED_COGNITO_ROLE_ID"; AWS.config.update({ region: bucketRegion, credentials: new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId }) }); const s3 = new AWS.S3({ apiVersion: "2006-03-01", params: { Bucket: albumBucketName } }); function addPhoto(albumName) { const { files } = document.getElementById("photoupload"); if (!files.length) { return alert("Please choose a file to upload first."); } const file = files[0]; const fileName = file.name; const albumPhotosKey = `${encodeURIComponent(albumName)}//`; console.log(albumPhotosKey); const photoKey = albumPhotosKey + fileName; // Use S3 ManagedUpload class as it supports multipart uploads const upload = new AWS.S3.ManagedUpload({ params: { Bucket: albumBucketName, Key: photoKey, Body: file, ACL: "public-read" } }); const promise = upload.promise(); promise .then(data => { alert("Successfully uploaded photo."); // viewAlbum(albumName); }) .catch(err => { return alert("There was an error uploading your photo: ", err.message); }); }
Go ahead and run the code with
npm run filename
If it pushes up then you should be all set-up! Happy hacking!
refer to this link if you want to see some code examples