Notifies users when protractor tests have failed or passed using node-notifier
npm install --save-dev protractor-notify-plugin
The following code should be placed in the protractor configuration file. More information here - Protractor plugins
plugins: [{
package: 'protractor-notify-plugin',
notifier: 'growl'
plugins: [{
package: 'protractor-notify-plugin',
notifier: 'growl', // notificationcenter | notifysend | toaster | growl | balloon - default
subtitle: 'Test',
options: {
withFallback: true
success: {
title: 'Success',
message: 'All {passed} test(s) have passed on {browser}',
icon: __dirname + '/some/super/image'
fail: {
title: 'Fail',
message: '{failed} Test(s) have failed on {browser}',
icon: __dirname + '/some/super/image'
noise: true, // Default - true
wait: false // Default - false,
notifyOnErrorOnly: true // Default - false
The notifications are handled by the node-notifier library. Please see the readme there for more info