These are all base files and styles needed to create a very native-looking Android application with Phonegap Build.
- Slide-out menu with the three-lines like the modern google apps.
- Colors follow the design guidelines.
- Google's "roboto" fonts.
- Functioning "back" button (rare in Phonegap apps).
- Components of a "card" UI.
- Hardware accelerated CSS 3 animations (So NO lag)
- Fully customizable.
- Commented.
- Seriously, this looks and acts native.
To understand some of the code I have in here, you will need to know:
- Font awesome:
- Transit JS:
- Jquery
- JQuery Mobile
- Phonegap API
You should be able to figure out the code by looking at it; I commented the entire thing and named my clsses and IDs accordingly.
If you have any problem figuring something out, shoot me an email at [email protected].
If you end up publishing an app from my source, let me know!
When making an app with Phonegap, there are a few things to remember:
- Stay away from images. The more images, the slower the app.
- Use CSS3 Animations instead of Jquery. Jquery slows it down. That's why I'm using Transit. Css is hardware accelerated, jquery is not.
- Do not use links, and do not use onclick. Use the tap detection from Jquery Mobile that you can see in use in the index file.
- Do not use Alerts or Prompts or any Javascript crap like that. Since Phonegap builds it as a gingerbread style app, the prompts will look gingerbread styled, and will look like crap. Make your own alert boxes, even though its more work.