SO tested:
- AlmaLinux
- Centos
This playbook will install ContaineD with kubernates. The CNI Network is Calico and the network is
So, for change other network roles/create-cluster/files/calico.yaml
and change it.
Run the playbook below to create the entire framework and installation of K8S
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml -k
OBS: Remember to feed the file hosts
curl -o calico.yaml
# Altere o arquivo CALICO_IPV4POOL_CIDR e coloque o
# Altere o calico-typha para o numero de replicas 3 (numero de masters)
kubectl apply -f calico.yaml
To add a new master node you will need to edit the file hosts, leaving the session k8s-master-shadow just with the IP/hostname you want to add. Now run de command:
ansible-playbook -i hosts -k new-master.yaml
To add a new master node you will need to edit the file hosts, leaving the session k8s-workers just with the IP/hostname you want to add. Now run de command:
ansible-playbook -i hosts -k new-worker.yaml