Delayed::Cron::Job is an extension to Delayed::Job that allows you to set cron expressions for your jobs to run repeatedly.
Add the following line to your application's Gemfile. Add it after the lines for all other delayed_job*
gems so the gem can properly integrate with the Delayed::Job code.
gem 'delayed_cron_job'
And then execute:
$ bundle
If you are using delayed_job_active_record
, generate a migration (after the
original delayed job migration) to add the cron
column to the delayed_jobs
$ rails generate delayed_job:cron
$ rake db:migrate
There are no additional steps for delayed_job_mongoid
When enqueuing a job, simply pass the cron
option, e.g.:
Delayed::Job.enqueue(, cron: '15 */6 * * 1-5')
Or, when using ActiveJob:
MyJob.set(cron: '*/5 * * * *').perform_later
Any crontab compatible cron expressions are supported (see man 5 crontab
The credits for the Cronline
class used go to
Usually, you want to schedule all existing cron jobs when deploying the application. Using a common super class makes this simple:
class CronJob < ActiveJob::Base
class_attribute :cron_expression
class << self
def schedule
set(cron: cron_expression).perform_later unless scheduled?
def remove
delayed_job.destroy if scheduled?
def scheduled?
def delayed_job
.where('handler LIKE ?', "%job_class: #{name}%")
namespace :db do
desc 'Schedule all cron jobs'
task :schedule_jobs => :environment do
glob = Rails.root.join('app', 'jobs', '**', '*_job.rb')
Dir.glob(glob).each { |f| require f }
CronJob.subclasses.each { |job| job.schedule }
# invoke schedule_jobs automatically after every migration and schema load.
%w(db:migrate db:schema:load).each do |task|
Rake::Task[task].enhance do
If you are not using ActiveJob, the same approach may be used with minor adjustments.
The initial run_at
value is computed during the #enqueue
method call.
If you create Delayed::Job
database entries directly, make sure to set
You may use the id
of the Delayed::Job
as returned by the #enqueue
to reference and/or remove the scheduled job in the future.
The subsequent run of a job is only scheduled after the current run has
terminated. If a single run takes longer than the given execution interval,
some runs may be skipped. E.g., if a run takes five minutes, but the job is
scheduled to be executed every second minute, it will actually only execute
every sixth minute: With a cron of */2 * * * *
, if the current run starts at
and finishes at :05
, then the next scheduled execution time is at :06
and so on.
If you do not want longer running jobs to skip executions, simply create a lightweight master job that enqueues the actual workload as separate jobs. Of course you have to make sure to start enough workers to handle all these jobs.
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Delayed::Cron::Job is released under the terms of the MIT License. Copyright 2014-2019 Pascal Zumkehr. See LICENSE for further information.