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Getting Started : Bootstrap Server

Simon edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

Here you will see how to code your own LWM2M Bootstrap Server with Leshan.

Get Leshan

To develop your server you need to use the leshan-server-cf module. To know the last 1.x version.

Using maven

        <version><!-- use the last version --></version>                  
    <!-- add any slf4j backend, here we use one of the smallest one: slf4j-simple -->

Create a Simple BoostrapServer.

You need to use Leshan builder to create bootstrap server.

LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder builder = new LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder();
LeshanBootstrapServer bootstrapServer =;

If you execute this code, you should see something like this in your log :

... INFO ... - Bootstrap server started at coap:// 

You can try to connect a client, for example using leshan-client-demo:

java -jar ./leshan-client-demo.jar -b -n myDevice

You should see client failing to bootstrap :

... ERROR ... - Bootstrap failed: BAD_REQUEST no bootstrap config.

This is normal because we didn't add any bootstrap configuration for this device. Let's try to add it.

// Create Bootstrap Server
LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder builder = new LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder();
LeshanBootstrapServer bootstrapServer =;

// Create a Bootstrap config.
BootstrapConfig config = new BootstrapConfig();

// delete object /0 and /1
config.toDelete = Arrays.asList("/0","/1");

// write a security instance for LWM2M server.
// here we will use the leshan sandbox at :
ServerSecurity dmSecurity = new ServerSecurity();
dmSecurity.uri = "coap://";
dmSecurity.serverId = 2222;
dmSecurity.securityMode = SecurityMode.NO_SEC;, dmSecurity); // O is reserved for bootstrap server

// write a server object for LWM2M server
ServerConfig dmConfig = new ServerConfig();
dmConfig.shortId = dmSecurity.serverId;
dmConfig.lifetime = 5*60;
config.servers.put(0, dmConfig);

// Add the config to the store for your device.
EditableBootstrapConfigStore configStore = (EditableBootstrapConfigStore) bootstrapServer.getBoostrapStore();
configStore.add("myDevice", config);

// Start server

Now try to bootstrap your device again.

java -jar ./leshan-client-demo.jar -b -n myDevice

This time you should see :

... INFO ... - Bootstrap started
... INFO ... - Bootstrap finished Bootstrap Server [uri=coap://localhost:5683].
... INFO ... - New endpoint created for server coap:// at coap://
... INFO ... - Trying to register to coap:// ...
... INFO ... - Registered with location '/rd/kDDCMXTs4Y'.

And you should see you device registered on leshan sandbox.

To go further

You can have a look to the code of our server demo: LeshanBootstrapServerDemo in leshan-bsserver-demo.