Final Python2 release.
This release fixes a number of bugs in v2.1.1 and is intended to be the last Python2 release we publish. Future releases will be based on Python 3.7+.
Fixes in this release:
- #474 the User Input Producer served via GitHub pages now displays live messages (for handover etc) correctly.
- #477 no longer specify pytest-capturelog (it is not needed anymore)
- #490 fix the way some fixtures are called, to track changes in pytest
- #496 restrict autobahn version to pre-18 as a temporary fix for the way that autobahn tests work
- #507 interpret decimal fractions of seconds correctly when they are not 3 digits long
- #502 when the Resequencer issues an empty document, do not always use sequence number 1
- #505 the Resequencer can begin emitting documents before it has received any
- #447 the Resequencer now has documentation
- #492 when a timing type is specified in an element, do not crash
- #514 issue better error messages for