Terraform Module to provision a DynamoDB table with auto-scaling.
Terraform Module to provision a DynamoDB table with auto-scaling.
source: (String) the git repository of the central ecs service module with "git::https//" protocol
region: (String) the region to deploy to
app_name: (String) the name of DynamoDB table
Tag: (String) Tag for the dynamoDb table
hash_key: (String) The attribute to use as the hash key,A simple primary key of table
range_key: (String) The attribute to use as the range key
table_id: id of the DynamoDb table
table_arn: table arn of DynamoDb table
table_name: table name of DynamoDb table
readpolicy: read policy name created with DynamoDb table
writepolicy: Write policy name created with DynamoDb table
module "AWS_Dynamodb_table" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]:7999/platform/central-ecs-dynamo-db.git?ref=develop"
region = "eu-central-1"
app_name = "my-table-name}"
Tag = "Name of the table"
hash_key = "hash_key_name"
range_key = "range_key_name"