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Beyond Canvas Initializer

cgebken edited this page Nov 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

The following list includes all customizable options that the initializer file (config/initializers/beyond_canvas.rb) created during the installation process offers, as well as a description and their default values:

Option Description Default
namespace The namespace where the engine is going to be mounted. '/'
open_app_url The target link when selecting your app after a successful installation. nil
cockpit_app Indicates whether your app is a cockpit app. Cockpit apps are not opened in an external tab but in the cockpit itself. For further information contact [email protected]. false
preinstalled Indicates whether your app is preinstalled for certain packages. For preinstalled apps, the authentication process is already done during the creation of the shop. For further information contact [email protected]. false
debug_mode Indicates if the debug mode available in Beyond Canvas is activated. The debug mode displays a parameter debug as well as some custom Beyond Canvas logs. false
site_title The title of the app. Displayed on several layouts. Humanized application class name
site_logo An optional image to be displayed instead of the site_title. Displayed on several layouts. nil
favicon The favicon of the app. nil
register_menu_item The menu items that will be displayed in the topbar of your app. nil
register_stylesheet Adds more stylesheet files to the inititalizer file. beyond_canvas.css
register_javascript Adds more javascript files to the inititalizer file. beyond_canvas.js
skip_webpacker Determines whether Beyond Canvas should use Webpacker or Sprockets. (true|false) (automatically generated)
encryption_key The key used to encrypt the beyond_access_token and beyond_refresh_token. SecureRandom.hex(32)