This repo is a Vagrant environment that supports spinning up two different implementations of SWORD v2 servers:
- Simple Sword Server (SSS), the reference implementation written in Python
- swordpoc, a very minimal implemention written in Java
To use the Vagrant VM, install Vagrant from and VirtualBox from and run the following commands:
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
In one of the steps below, we clone the code from
The main point of this exercise is to deposit "" into the SWORD server using curl.
Please note that you'll need to replace the UUIDs and timestamp below based on the output you see.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo su -
git clone
cd Simple-Sword-Server
python install
mkdir /tmp/sss-server
cd /tmp/sss-server
cp /root/Simple-Sword-Server/sss/
easy_install lxml==2.3.4
python &
cd /tmp/sss-client
curl -s -i -H "X-On-Behalf-Of: obo" http://sword:sword@localhost:8080/sd-uri | grep col-uri | head -1
# note UUID from output above
curl -i -H "X-On-Behalf-Of: obo" --http1.0 --data-binary "" -H "Content-Disposition:" -H "Content-Type: application/zip" sword:sword@localhost:8080/col-uri/f19ae45f-5455-4b10-96a4-25396bb8a228
cd /tmp/sss-server/store/f19ae45f-5455-4b10-96a4-25396bb8a228/6d56e25c-c837-4138-b7c7-23e6a912d3eb
unzip 2013-06-17T16\:52\
cat example/hello.txt
In the example above, "" is deposited into a SWORD collection, but let's imagine a more complicated example.
Let's say we want to perform the following steps:
- Create a resource with an atom entry (i.e. an XML file):
- Upload to the newly created resource:
These steps translate into two distinct HTTP request, as explained by the SWORDv2 spec lead, Richard Jones...
It is my plan and hope to back all of the multipart OUT of the sword spec for a future version (like a 2.1), so I strongly recommend not using multipart deposit. Instead do a POST of an Atom Entry and a PUT of the Media Resource in two distinct HTTP requests.
... at[email protected]/msg00327.html
(For brevity, we only include 2 of the 10 collections in the Service Document)
[root@logus sss-client]# curl -s http://sword:sword@localhost:8080/sd-uri
<service xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:sword="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns="">
<atom:title>Main Site</atom:title>
<collection href="http://localhost:8080/col-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9">
<atom:title>Collection 4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9</atom:title>
<accept alternate="multipart-related">*/*</accept>
<sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy>
<dcterms:abstract>Collection Description</dcterms:abstract>
<sword:treatment>Treatment description</sword:treatment>
<collection href="http://localhost:8080/col-uri/cf9ac85a-2f36-4843-af8f-e00d7b2a1ac5">
<atom:title>Collection cf9ac85a-2f36-4843-af8f-e00d7b2a1ac5</atom:title>
<accept alternate="multipart-related">*/*</accept>
<sword:collectionPolicy>Collection Policy</sword:collectionPolicy>
<dcterms:abstract>Collection Description</dcterms:abstract>
<sword:treatment>Treatment description</sword:treatment>
We POST (using --data-binary) our atom-entry-study.xml content...
[root@logus sss-client]# cat atom-entry-study.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns=""
<title>The first study for the New England Journal of Coffee dataverse</title>
<summary type="text">The abstract</summary>
<dcterms:title>Roasting at Home</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:creator>Peets, John</dcterms:creator>
<dcterms:creator>Stumptown, Jane</dcterms:creator>
[root@logus sss-client]#
... to the first collection we saw in the service document ("4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9"):
[root@logus sss-client]# curl --http1.0 --data-binary "@atom-entry-study.xml" -H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" http://sword:sword@localhost:8080/col-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9
<entry xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:sword="" xmlns="">
<title>The first study for the New England Journal of Coffee dataverse</title>
<summary type="text">The abstract</summary>
<generator uri="" version="1.0"/>
<dcterms:abstract>The abstract</dcterms:abstract>
<dcterms:title>The first study for the New England Journal of Coffee dataverse</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:title>Roasting at Home</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:creator>Peets, John</dcterms:creator>
<dcterms:creator>Stumptown, Jane</dcterms:creator>
<sword:verboseDescription>SSS has done this, that and the other to process the deposit</sword:verboseDescription>
<sword:treatment>Treatment description</sword:treatment>
<link rel="alternate" href="http://localhost:8080/html/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2"/>
<content type="application/zip" src="http://localhost:8080/cont-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2"/>
<link rel="edit" href="http://localhost:8080/edit-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2"/>
<link rel="edit-media" href="http://localhost:8080/em-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2"/>
<link rel="edit-media" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" href="http://localhost:8080/em-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2.atom"/>
<link rel="" href="http://localhost:8080/edit-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2"/>
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" href="http://localhost:8080/state-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2.atom"/>
<link rel="" type="application/rdf+xml" href="http://localhost:8080/state-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2.rdf"/>
This creates a number of files under the "4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9" collection:
[root@logus sss-client]# cd /tmp/sss-server/store/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9
[root@logus 4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9]# ls -1d */*
We can think of "70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2" as the unique identifier for the resource we just created. It contains a number of files:
matches exactly theatom-entry-study.xml
file we used to create the resource.sss_deposit-receipt.xml
is the output we saw from the curl command when we created the resource.sss_metadata.xml
is a simpler version ofatom.xml
becomes just<creator>
shows the state of the resource, indicating the following: "The work has passed through review and is now in the archive".sss_statement.xml
is similar tosss_statement.atom.xml
in that it shows the state, but is longer and in RDF format.
Next we upload to the resource we created ("70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2").
We use --upload-file for this, which does a PUT.
[root@logus 4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9]# cd /tmp/sss-client
[root@logus sss-client]# curl --upload-file -H "Content-Disposition:" -H "Content-Type: application/zip" http://sword:sword@localhost:8080/em-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2
[root@logus sss-client]#
We don't see any output above but the console output indicates some activity...
2013-07-17 16:14:23,311 - sss - INFO - Authentication required
2013-07-17 16:14:23,311 - sss - INFO - Authentication details: sword:sword; On Behalf Of: None
2013-07-17 16:14:23,312 - sss - INFO - Received Binary deposit request
2013-07-17 16:14:23,313 - sss - INFO - Replace request has file content - updating
2013-07-17 16:14:23,314 - sss - INFO - Content replaced - - [17/Jul/2013 16:14:23] "HTTP/1.1 PUT /em-uri/4e1f7a9a-f8d4-4795-b230-195acb6680c9/70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2" - 204 No Content
... and the files in the directory for the resource have changed:
[root@logus 70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2]# git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: atom.xml
# modified: sss_deposit-receipt.xml
# modified: sss_statement.atom.xml
# modified: sss_statement.xml
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
[root@logus 70566b02-76a9-496d-b1bb-356ba9acc7f2]#
The atom.xml
file has been deleted, which was an exact copy of the atom-entry-study.xml
file we used to create the resource. Some of the content from that file such as our <dcterms:creator>
entries are still preserved in sss_deposit-receipt.xml
and sss_metadata.xml
Build and deploy the SWORD v2 server implementation in Java with the commands below. Running should upload a "" to /tmp/uploads
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /downloads
/downloads/glassfish3/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
cd ~
# FIXME: is org.swordapp:sword2-server:jar published anywhere?
git clone
cd JavaServer2.0
mvn install
cd /swordpoc/java
mvn package
/downloads/glassfish3/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy --force /swordpoc/java/target/swordpoc.war