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"Dubo Components" are lightweight, targeted c++ libraries meant for QT applications. They aim at providing simple to use interfaces for a range of functionality (notification, crash reporting, zero conf, application update, torrent, etc). Fully scriptable, they are primarily meant for javascript (from a QWebEngine) - thought they are usable as well in plain QT. Put together, these components should provide a comprehensive foundation for these building a "WebRunner", similarly to Electron.

DuboPad is a crashpad library for QT.

macOS only for now.

Licensed under BSD2.

Not a lot of value in there in term of code. This is mostly of interest for it provides a working example of how to integrate Crashpad into a QT application.


# 1. Install XCode
# 2. Install qt (and make sure qmake is in your path)

# 3. Clone
git clone --recurse-submodules

# 4. Build
cd qt-dubo-pad

QMAKE_FLAGS="-j7" DUBO_LINK_TYPE=static qmake -r CONFIG-=debug CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release
# or on mac+brew:
# PATH=$(brew --prefix qt)/bin:$PATH QMAKE_FLAGS="-j7" DUBO_LINK_TYPE=static qmake -r CONFIG-=debug CONFIG-=debug_and_release CONFIG+=release


# 5. Profit
ls ../buildd/
# Contains the headers and dubopad library that you need to compile against, plus an example demo application

To integrate with your own application, just look into demo.

Useful documentation


Tested with sentry:

  • generate pdb file dump_syms myappbinary > myappbinary.pdb
  • brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-cli
  • upload to sentry: sentry-cli --auth-token YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN upload-dif --org YOUR_ORG_SLUG --project YOUR_PROJECT_SLUG PATH_TO_DSYMS
  • rinse repeat last two steps for QtCore and any other library being linked if you want symbols there too

State of affairs

  • not clear what format is sent over the wire (sentry works, not electron mini server)

  • clarify what happens in term of debug/release building

  • implement and test for windows and linux

  • what happens is an app is relocated / moved after start, but before crash? (eg: handler path is invalid now?)

  • write some actual documentation!

  • latest version does no longer work (seems there is something wrong with the crashpad version we are using) - things do work with prebuilt: