Note: Just select the JDK specific to your OS and download it. Note: Oracle will ask you to create a free user in order to download any JDK distribution.
Note: This Eclipse distribution does not require any installation. Just unzip the downloaded package and start the eclipse application
- type_1 / type_2 / type_3
- "alc", // Alchol
- "m_acid", // Malic Acid
- "ash", // Ash
- "alc_ash", // Alcalinity of ash
- "mgn", // Magnesium
- "t_phenols", // Total phenols
- "flav", // Flavanoids
- "nonflav_phenols", // Nonflavanoid phenols
- "proant", // Proanthocyanins
- "col", // Color intensity
- "hue", // Hue
- "od280/od315", // OD280/OD315 of diluted wines
- "proline" // Proline
key,alc,m_acid,ash,alc_ash,mgn,t_phenols,flav,nonflav_phenols,proant,col,hue,od280/od31,proline type_3,812,10.393045,3.753219,2.912648,18.368978,142.480377,2.791596,0.481668,1.689406,0.278106,2.636879,1.941921,3.140656,432.403252 type_1,9,14.574036,1.838118,2.24712,22.591963,111.302988,3.245853,0.093356,1.425903,0.104519,0.454513,0.266051,1.412305,1764.370939 type_2,30,14.283455,4.213081,2.363584,17.915281,112.567175,2.644235,0.353343,3.703607,0.079568,3.48083,1.690289,3.995672,837.237237