Measurements of Google/Apple Exposure Notification Attenuation Durations Taken on a Dublin Bus and reported in:
"Measurement-Based Evaluation Of Google/Apple Exposure Notification API For Proximity Detection In A Commuter Bus", Douglas J. Leith, Stephen Farrell, SCSS Tech Report 15th June 2020.
There are two files:
- dublinbus_dataset_attenuations.txt. Each row corresponds to a pair of handsets at one distance. Each column to the attenuation duration (in minutes) at a given range of attenuation levels, E.g. column one is for attenuation range 48-50dB, column two for 50-52dB and so on.
- dublinbus_dataset_distances.txt. Each row contains the estimated distance (in metres) between a pair of handsets, with each row corresponding to the same row in file dublinbus_dataset_attenuations.txt.