Perform backups with retention of your MongoDB databases (running in MongoDB Atlas for example), and store it in Google Cloud Storage.
You can run the backups with Google Cloud Run, and schedule it with Google Cloud Scheduler.
This repo contains a Dockerfile which builds a working image on Google Cloud Run (maybe also on App Engine Flexible or Kubernetes cluster, but not tested).
The container entrypoint runs a basic Python HTTP server which triggers a Bash backup script.
The backup script launch mongodump
utility, makes a tar.gz
archive and upload it to Google Cloud Storage for every database you want to backup.
To test and deploy, you have to :
- Install Docker Engine
- Install Google Cloud SDK
- Create a project on Google Cloud
- Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket for backups storage
- Create a Google Cloud Service Account with write access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket
- Create a key for this Service Account, and save credentials locally as a JSON file
Before deploying on Google Cloud Run, you should test it, and maybe modify scripts to fit your needs.
First, build the Docker image :
docker build -t gcp-mongo-backups .
Then you have to set environment variables for the container. You can copy and edit the content of env-variables.samples
repo file in a new file called .env
For GCLOUD_KEY_FILE variable, you have to encode your service account's JSON credentials as base64 :
base64 -w 0 your_key_file.json
Then you can run the container with :
docker run --env-file .env -p gcp-mongo-backups
Finally, test the backup :
curl http://localhost:8080
After that, you should see in Google Cloud Storage console one database-AAAA-MM-DD-HH-MM.tar.gz
file per database.
Now you have a working container, you can push it to Google's Container Registry :
# Configure Google's Container registry locally
gcloud auth configure-docker
# Tag local Docker image for registry
docker tag gcp-mongo-backups[YOUR-PROJECT-ID]/mongo-backups
# Push it on Google's Container Registry
docker push[YOUR-PROJECT-ID]/mongo-backups
Then, deploy it on Cloud Run :
# Here I use Cloud Run managed platform. Fit it to your needs if you want to run it on GKE for example.
gcloud run deploy mongo-backups --image[YOUR-PROJECT-ID]/mongo-backups --port=8080 --memory 256Mi --concurrency=1 --platform=managed --no-allow-unauthenticated --service-account=[YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-EMAIL] --set-env-vars="RETENTION_DAYS=30,MONGO_DBNAMES=db1;db2,MONGO_URI=mongodb+srv://user:[email protected],GCLOUD_KEY_FILE=base64key,GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID=your-project-id,GCLOUD_BUCKET_NAME=your-bucket-name"
Now you can perform backups with an URL call. We can schedule it daily with Scheduler. Here is an example without authentication :
# Run backups every days at 2AM
gcloud scheduler jobs create http mongo-backups-task --schedule "0 2 * * *" --uri "[YOUR-CLOUD-RUN-SERVICE-URL]" --http-method GET
If you want to use authentication (it's better) with Cloud Run & Cloud Scheduler, I recommend to use the console for task creation instead. Here, you can specify that you want OIDC token in headers, with a service account's email which has rights to run your Cloud Run service.