This is a command-line application to manage tx files for Arnold renderer.
- 1.Download and install Anaconda(Python 3.6 version*).
- 2.Open the command prompt and execute:
> conda update conda -y
> conda update anaconda -y
To confirm Anaconda's version:
> conda --version
- 3.Clone this repository where you prefer.
- 4.On command prompt go to cloned txMan_win directory and execute:
> conda env create --file requirements.yml
- 5.Add the path of directory to PATH environment variable.
You can edit the file "settings.bat" to make it work properly.
- To change the user name, edit the appropiate line to:
> set user=yourName
To execute txMan, go to the images directory that you will make the tx files and then run:
rem activate the "txman" environment.
rem see the installation guide.
> activate txman
rem execute txMan
> txman
The anatomy of principal command is:
[command] [flag]
So that the command denotes the action and the flag indicates the mode of an operation. E.g.:
$ list here
Where is list is the command that lists images on screen and here is the flag which indicates that the analysis will be done in current directory only.
This is the first part of a typical command on txMan and will always be followed by a flag. The flag determines the behavior of the command. The main commands are:
- list: Lists image files and prints on the screen.
- log: Lists image files and saves in a log file. The file name will be required.
- create: Creates tx files with the same image name. (this command will always overwrite existing files)
- remove: Removes tx files.
The main command will work according to a flag. The flags basically determines the group that will be analyzed. The flags are:
- select: The command will be applied only on selected images or directories. A selection list will be required and the components must be separated by white spaces. Directories must have "\" at the end. E.g.:
* selection > imageA.jpg folderA\imageB.jpg folderB\
Therefore the principal command will be applied on imageA.jpg, imageB.jpg inside of the folderA and all images and dependencies inside of the folderB.
- here: The command will be applied on all images in current directory.
- tree: The command will be applied on all images and dependencies in current directory.
Every time that a command is executed a filter will be required.
Filters are a way to make an accurate selection of the chosen group. The filters are:
- all : All images on group will be selected.
- grey : Only float and grayscale images will be selected, given a threshold.
- color : Only colored or polychromatic images will be selected, given a threshold.
- regex : The selection will be given by an regular expression.
The filters grey and color needs a threshold to works.
Threshold is a float number parameter that delimits the value r, given by:
Where R, G and B represents the image color channels. If r is less than threshold value then grey will be true. Otherwise color will be true.
Every time a command create [flag] is executed it will be asked if you want to convert the colorspace. If the choice is yes then original colorspace and destination colorspace will be required.
The possible values are "linear", "srgb" (sRGB) and "rec" (Rec709). For more information click here.