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Giuliano Casale edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 78 revisions


The Filling-the-Gap (FG) module of the DICE Enhancement Tool is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Provide statistical estimation algorithms to infer resource consumption of an application.
  • Provide fitting algorithms to match monitoring data to parametric statistical distributions.
  • Annotate results in UML models.
  • Acquire data via JSON files, either user-specified or obtained from the DICE monitoring platforms (D-MON).


A high-level overview of the tool architecture is given in the figure below:

DICE-FG Architecture

The logical components of the DICE-FG tool are as follows:

  • DICE-FG Analyzer: Executes the statistical methods necessary to obtain the estimates of the performance models parameters, relying on the monitoring information available on the input files.
  • DICE-FG Actuator: Annotates in the UML model the parameters of the models, e.g., resource demands, think times, etc., which are obtained from the DICE-FG Analyzer.


If you notice a bug, want to request a feature, or have a question or feedback, please send an email to the tool maintainer:


Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London: g.casale AT


The code is published under the FreeBSD License.