A node script that gets all the questions and/or options asked in a google or Microsoft form. Helpful in cheating in exams.
NOTE: Make sure that the links to the forms that you use are open and not locked to certain organisation.
Not actively developing this. I had made this as a helper script for my exams and successfully used it.
- Download code files
- Make sure you have node installed in you laptop
- In terminal change the working directory to the downloaded folder.
- run
to download all dependencies
Make sure in terminal you are in this codes directory. For Mac -
cd <pathToThisCodesDirectory>
Running a script
node getGF.js <parameter1> <parameter2>
Parameter no value example and explanation 1 link to the form eg. https://forms.gle/yYprqf6r6dHxfG2g8 2 Q
is used for getting all the questions
is used for getting all questions along with answereg.
node getGF.js https://forms.gle/yYprqf6r6dHxfG2g8 Q
NOTE: Works much like google forms, make sure that the microsoft form link is open and not limited to a certain organisation as i havent tested that sccenario out.
Make sure in terminal you are in this codes directory. For Mac -
cd <pathToThisCodesDirectory>
Running a script
node getGF.js <parameter1> <parameter2>
Parameter no value example and explanation 1 link to the form eg. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SEPx0bXxCUqsmX6_ITy8ga3_Z9XVSDZBrlkGj2ihlnlUQ0lQQlZSTDVOQ0tMT1lCMEVNSDlRSVpIQS4u 2 Q
is used for getting all the questions
is used for getting all questions along with answereg.
node getGF.js https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SEPx0bXxCUqsmX6_ITy8ga3_Z9XVSDZBrlkGj2ihlnlUQ0lQQlZSTDVOQ0tMT1lCMEVNSDlRSVpIQS4u QwO
- Enable getting links to images wherever there are images as question
- In Microsoft form getting all the Qs and Options when using
node getMF examplelink.com QwO
and not just the question and options visible in the firstt section - Figure out a way to bypass organisations restrictions in microsoft forms
- Use a webdrivers to autofill random answers and submit with a random email id, with the small chance that in google forms you get the answer sheet with correct responses after submmission. This answer sheet could be converted to pdf using puppetter exported. https://www.notion.so/Week-planner-9573208b56e74a4895731b155f586113#2703b738d709410ca526fc30e0e8bc9e
- Provide direct google search links with the question as the search query, assuming that the person who is using it, his ideal next step would be to go and look up google for answers.
- In a distant fututre having an opensource website where all students can collaborate anonymously to help each other pass exams using a voting based system to the answers.
- There is a way where you can hide the application from being capture in screencapture, Maybe add that too to get saved from remote proctoring.