A pluggable authentication module that relies on facial recognition to verify the user attempting to gain access. Looks for a match between username and label associated with the recognized face.
Please don't use facial recognition as a serious form of authentication. This was literally written to be exploited in a CTF
- OpenCV 3.0+ including extra modules (opencv_contrib)
- PAM development packages (libpam0g and libpam0g-dev on ubuntu)
- dirent.h available in PATH (already installed on ubuntu)
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/devinaconley/pam-facial-auth.git
Build and install facial auth module
chmod +x setup.sh
Train facial recognition model
./run_training [data_dir] [algorithm (optional) haar_cascade(optional)]
Where the data directory is expected to be of the following structure
-- username1/
---- image1
---- image2
---- ...
---- imageN
-- username2/
Configure facial auth settings in config. Setting imageCapture to false will mean the module passively listens for a stream of images being written to imageDir (for example by motionEye - https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneye/wiki)
Install the config and model files to etc/pam-facial-auth/
chmod +x configure.sh
Run test application
h/t to https://github.com/beatgammit/simple-pam for starting template