Set up development environment
- Install VScode
- Install move-analyzer
- Install move-analyzer plugin at the VScode
- Install sui binary
start new move contract projects
$sui move new {project name}
$sui move new my_first_package
├ Move.toml
├ Source
├ {filename}.move
- build move project
sui move build
- deploy project
$sui client publish --gas-budget {gas budget in mist unit}
binary's other commandsui client gas
: check local stored address'ssui client active-address
Using key only
What is different use with key & store?
- if you do not explicitly implement a transfer method within the module, a struct instance that only has key can not be transferred again once it is given to an account address.
How about using only store?
- If you use only store it won't be possible to have that object be a stand alone object in the global storage pool. However it can still be included inside another struct
Upgrade capability
Usage of Option
Usage of friend keyword
- Reference
- Usage: The authorized Module under the current address is visible (it can be understood that Solidity introduces the visibility of function constraints, and generally authenticates the caller address)
programmable transaction using TS sdk
Usage of assert
- Like revert
Error Pastel case
Address literal needs to add @
Usage of init
- It shouls has TxContext
HotPotato pattern
- Usage; Flash loan
- Abstract :
One Time Witness pattern
- For uniqueness declaration See create_currency
Phantom types in std Coin lib
Dynamic fields
- Only store
Dynamic object fields
- key with store
find out basic attributes (Reference)
- copy: Allows values of types with this ability to be copied.
- drop: Allows values of types with this ability to be popped/dropped.
- store: Allows values of types with this ability to exist inside a struct in global storage.
- key: Allows the type to serve as a key for global storage operations.
Doulbe init would be working?
- Continue to Dynamic field oject
One Time Witness pattern - package.move lib
- Create Test file for Move contract
How about use entry function
- Entry keyword is for transaction.
Input object limitation 256KB (Reference)
- The deletion option should not be confused with deleting past transactions. Activity on Sui is finalized at each epoch boundary and past transactions are immutable and can never be reversed. The type of data that can be deleted is, for example, data corresponding to objects that are no longer live such as an NFT’s metadata, tickets that have been redeemed, auctions that have concluded, etc.
What is
for? -
Passing object
- Through mentioned as reference
- Use
- Case of
mean that value will be changed
- Case of
- Use
- Through mentioned as Value
- This object passing used in transfer or deletion, etc.
- Ways of the Object wrapping
struct warrior has key { id: UID, weapon : Option<weapon>, }
- Initialized with
- necessary to use
- Initialized with
Struct warrior has key { id: UID, weapon : vector<weapon> }
Using Mention directly
struct warrior has key { id:UID, weapon : weapon, }
- Through mentioned as reference