Get a periodic summary of posts from a mattermost chat site since the last summary. It will include all the channels to which you have access in one email, with posts categorized by channel.
- git clone or download.
- Copy ChatSummary.cfg.php.sample to ChatSummary.cfg.php.
- Edit ChatSummary.cfg.php as desired.
- Since it contains password information, secure the file as necessary.
- Open the file version.txt using vim. (Other text editors should work but are not officially supported.)
- Change the number inside the file to a bigger number.
- Save and quit.
- To verify the upgrade was successful, type
cat version.txt
. If you don't see your new number then format your hard drive and reinstall your operating system and go back to INSTALLATION.
- Schedule the ChatSummary.php script using cron or run it manually.
- Type