- A Line bot that provides dramas, movies, animation based on a finite state machine(FSM). Webscrapping dramas from douban, animation from εη«η, movies from yahoo movies.
- The initial state is
- Users can change the state by text button
- There are 3 main features : dramas, movies, animation.
- This bot will provide top-10 the most popular and the newest dramas, movies, animation.
- Users can also search by the name or the types through line text button.
- Python 3.8
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py
- pygraphviz (For visualizing Finite State Machine)
Set Channel_Access_Token
, Channel_Secret
, User_id
MUST be set to proper values.
Otherwise, you might not be able to run your code.
TOC-Project-2019 β€οΈ @winonecheng
Flask Architecture β€οΈ @Sirius207