Describe what this repo contains and what the project is.
Describe technical set-up. Such as the required dependencies.
This repository contains a configuration of pre-commit hooks. These are language agnostic and focussed on repository security (such as detection of passwords and API keys). If approaching this project as a developer, you are encouraged to install and enable pre-commits
by running the following in your shell:
:pip install pre-commit
:pre-commit install
Once pre-commits are activated, whenever you commit to this repository a series of checks will be executed. The pre-commits include checking for security keys, large files and unresolved merge conflict headers. The use of active pre-commits are highly encouraged and the given hooks can be expanded with Python or R specific hooks that can automate the code style and linting. For example, the flake8
and black
hooks are useful for maintaining consistent Python code formatting.
NOTE: Pre-commit hooks execute Python, so it expects a working Python build.
Explain how to use the things in the repo.
You may wish to consider generating a graph to show your project workflow. GitHub markdown provides native support for mermaid, an example of which is provided below:
flowchart TD
id1[(Some data)] --> id2(Some processing)
id3[(More data)] --> id2
id2 --> id4[Some output]
At the Data Science Campus we apply data science, and build skills, for public good across the UK and internationally. Get in touch with the Campus at [email protected].
The code, unless otherwise stated, is released under the MIT Licence.
The documentation for this work is subject to © Crown copyright and is available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.