Repo containing excercises to practice functions in JS.
1. Convert Minutes into Seconds.
Write a function that takes an integer minutes and converts it to seconds.
convert(5) ➞ 300
convert(3) ➞ 180
convert(2) ➞ 120
2. Return the Next Number from the Integer Passed.
Create a function that takes a number as an argument, increments the number by +1 and returns the result.
addition(0) ➞ 1
addition(9) ➞ 10
addition(-3) ➞ -2
3. Area of a Triangle.
Write a function that takes the base and height of a triangle and return its area.
triArea(3, 2) ➞ 3
triArea(7, 4) ➞ 14
triArea(10, 10) ➞ 50
4. Convert Age to Days.
Create a function that takes the age in years and returns the age in days.
calcAge(65) ➞ 23725
calcAge(0) ➞ 0
calcAge(20) ➞ 7300
5. Power Calculator.
Create a function that takes voltage and current and returns the calculated power.
circuitPower(230, 10) ➞ 2300
circuitPower(110, 3) ➞ 330
circuitPower(480, 20) ➞ 9600
6. Return Something to Me!.
Write a function that returns the string "something" joined with a space " " and the given argument a.
giveMeSomething("is better than nothing") ➞ "something is better than nothing"
giveMeSomething("Bob Jane") ➞ "something Bob Jane"
giveMeSomething("something") ➞ "something something"
7. Sum of Polygon Angles.
Given an n-sided regular polygon n, return the total sum of internal angles (in degrees).
sumPolygon(3) ➞ 180
sumPolygon(4) ➞ 360
sumPolygon(6) ➞ 720
8. Convert Hours and Minutes into Seconds.
Write a function that takes two integers (hours, minutes), converts them to seconds, and adds them.
convert(1, 3) ➞ 3780
convert(2, 0) ➞ 7200
convert(0, 0) ➞ 0