Started as a fork of Husdata H60 Arduino get started code but it is now broken out as stand-alone custom component. Used a lot of influence from the following projects:
- esphome/components/dsmr (how to combide a back-bone service and different types of child entities)
- stream server for ESPHome (how to create a service communicating over UART)
- custom component esphome-rego1000 (a related integration, have been trying to keep external design as similar as possible)
- how to connect heat pump with Rego 6xx controller (a lot of information about the Rego600 interface)
- openhab addons, mappings (SW implementation for the interface)
To be used as custom component to ESPHome
The component is not bound the any specific harware setup, it only requires that a UART port of the MCU is connectred to the external comms-port of the heat-pump. This far, successfull communication of one sensor and one binary_sensor has been made with a lab-setup as this one Serial communication via optocouplers
- Extent entity type support
- Provide ready-made input and output entities based on heat-pump model
NOTE: This integration is still in development and used at own risk. Connecting unsupported devices to your heat-pump via service interface may cause important settings to be overwritten and lost. Please start small with some read-only sensors.
All entities are extendable with normal additional attrubutes as "unit_of_measurement", "state_class" etc.
An as complete as possible configuration package as possible is provided in rego600.yaml. Please use information from above provided links to adapt to your needs and model. When up and working it might be a good idea to prepare these type of templates rego1000-v3.7.0.yaml
- source: github://dala318/esphome-rego600
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: GPIO12
rx_pin: GPIO13
baud_rate: 19200
debug: # Optional, good for degugging input/output of UART
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: false
uart_id: uart_bus
log_all: true
id: rego600_hub
log_all: true # Optional, print some more
read_delay: 10ms # Optional, delay to first reading of UART
retry_sleep: 20ms # Optional, delay between read attempts
retry_attempts: 1 # Optional, number of read retry attempts
# model: rego600 # Not in use!
- platform: rego600
rego600_id: rego600_hub # Optional if only one hub
name: Radiator pump P1
rego_variable: 0x0203
- platform: homeassistant # Get actual indoor temp from other sensor, could also be a sensor read from rego600
entity_id: sensor.indoor_temperature
id: indoor_temp
- platform: rego600
name: Radiator return GT1
rego_variable: 0x0209
value_factor: 0.1 # Optional, scale factor multiply register-value -> real
# All configurations inherited from basic sensor
unit_of_measurement: °C
state_class: measurement
accuracy_decimals: 1
- platform: rego600
name: Outdoor GT2
rego_variable: 0x020A
number: # UNTESTED!
- platform: rego600
name: GT1 Target value
rego_variable: 0x006E
value_factor: 0.1 # Optional, scale factor multiply register-value -> real
retry_write: 1 # Optional, retry writing event if com bussy
# All configurations inherited from basic number
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
step: 1
button: # UNTESTED!
- platform: rego600
name: External control
rego_variable: 0x0213
payload: 0x01 # Optional, data to provide on action
retry_write: 3 # Optional, retry writing event if com bussy
# Disabled: not really finalized, use the number component to set values
# climate:
# - platform: rego600
# name: House temp
# rego_variable: 0x0010
# sensor_id: indoor_temp
Flow overview for updating a single sensor entity
graph TD;
send[Send command]
read_delay[Wait read_delay]
data_available{Data in RX-buffer?}
retry_sleep[Wait retry_sleep];
retry_attempts{< retry_attempts};
read_data[Read data]
validate_data{Data valid?}
ok(Update sensor)
For HW debugging it's suggested to use a stream server to your config for direct connection between your PC and heat-pump. But have not tested this in combination and possible that the rego600 component and stream_server will not work together, stealing received messages from each other.