Chicken Ticket is a Python powered blockchain solution. Users are encouraged to meander about the codebase, learn the nitty gritty details of what makes a coin tick, fork and design your own coin, or use as your every day cryptocurrency.
Chicken Ticket uses a number of technologies:
- [Python 3] - A powerful object oriented programming language, we love it!
- [SQLite] - An ACID-compliant database solution for storing information in a single file, locally.
- [SQLAlchemy] - An ORM for SQL databases in Python.
- [PyCryptodomex] - Low-level cryptographic primitives for making the coin secure
- [ECDSA] - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. Used for generating keys fast and securely.
Chicken Ticket requires Python 3.5+ to run.
Clone this repository after installing Git:
$ git clone
Install the dependencies after cloning:
$ cd chickenticket
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd chickenticket
$ py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Want to contribute? We ❤️ pull requests! Please test code extensively before creating a pull request. Keep in mind, we are strong supporters of idiomatic and beautiful Python code.
Probably need to generate the genesis block, just saying.Done!Release to the publicDone!- Peers and Nodes (including websocket handling, etc. Should be fun 😅)
- Sending and receiving transactions
- Mining (see: Allium)
- Clean up!
- Graphical Wallet