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If editing .tex files with a lateX editor like texmaker

The following may be necessary if running linux: sudo apt-get install texlive-science sudo apt-get install texlive-full

Necessary Dependencies

These are located in the requirements.txt file. To download all required packages, run

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Server

  1. Change endpoints in main.js to reflect your ip address:5000
  2. Change in server/ to reflect your ip address
  3. Change CHROMEDRIVER_PATH to your chromedriver path in server/ (must install selenium and chromedriver)

Steps to run the application

  1. Run/start
  2. Head over to the interface directory and run index.html in any desired web-browser (Tested on Safari 15.3)
  3. In the textbox, paste a valid Twitter tweet link (Sample tweet:
  4. After pasting a valid tweet, click the "Predict Stock Direction" button
  5. Five items will appear: (1) The embed tweet of the link (2) The overall stock direction (3) The stock direction for model 1 (4) The stock direction for model 2 (5) The stock direction for model 3.
  6. The stock direction will showcase up or down.