This Macaulay2 package provides six main methods:
Currently the ambient space should be a product of finitely many projective spaces. A future version of this package will allow for computations in more general toric varieties.
Let's compute the Segre class of the exceptional divisor for the blowup of a point in the plane. In its most basic form, the segre method accepts a pair of ideals (I, J) in a multigraded ring with I containing J. Then segre(I,J)
returns a class in the Chow group of the ambient space.
We begin by loading the package:
needsPackage "SegreClasses"
The method makeProductRing
accepts a list of integers and makes the corresponding product of projective spaces. In our exapmles, we'll make the homogeneous coordinate ring for PP^2 x PP^1. In this example we rename the variables.
R = makeProductRing({2,1});
x = (gens R)_{0..2}; -- x_0, x_1, x_2
y = (gens R)_{3..4}; -- y_0, y_1
Now construct some ideals:
I = ideal (x_0,x_1); -- origin in PP^2
B = ideal (y_0*x_1-y_1*x_0); -- blow up of this point
E = B + ideal (x_0,x_1); -- the exceptional divisor
This returns
2 2
o8 = h h + h
1 2 1
If we prefer, we can specify our own Chow ring:
A = ZZ[a,b,Degrees=>{{1,0},{0,1}}]/(a^3,b^2)
2 2
o10 = a b + a
Below is an example where we compute the algebraic multiplicity of a variety inside an irreducible scheme
needsPackage "SegreClasses"
R = kk[x,y,z,w];
Consider the twisted cubic X in PP^3 and a subscheme Y of PP^3 containing the twisted cubic
X = ideal(-z^2+y*w,-y*z+x*w,-y^2+x*z)
Y = ideal(-z^3+2*y*z*w-x*w^2,-y^2+x*z)
We see that in fact Y is a `doubly' twisted cubic by computing that X has algebraic multiplcity 2 on Y, i.e. e_XY=2:
o7 = 2
Below is an example where we verify that one variety contains another in a product of projective spaces PP^2 x PP^2 x PP^2:
R = makeProductRing({2,2,2})
x=(gens R)_{0..2}
y=(gens R)_{3..5}
z=(gens R)_{6..8}
The irrelevant ideal of the ambient space is:
We now define two multi-graded ideals X, Y
Y=ideal (z_0*W_0-z_1*W_1)+ideal(f)
Now we check that the variety X is contained in the variety Y:
time isComponentContained(X,Y)
-- used 2.31366 seconds
o12 = true
To use classical methods we would have to saturate out the irrevant ideals and then test ideal containment as follows:
time isSubset(saturate(Y,B),saturate(X,B))
-- used 11.2451 seconds
o14 = true
There is also a method to test containment of a vareity in the singular locus of another, without computing the defining equations of the singular locus:
R = makeProductRing({n})
m=matrix{for i from 0 to n-3 list x_i,for i from 0 to n-3 list (i+3)*x_(i+3),for i from 0 to n-3 list x_(i+2),for i from 0 to n-3 list x_(i)+(5+i)*x_(i+1)}
C=ideal mingens(minors(3,m));
We now confirm that V(P) is contained in the singular locus of V(C)
o8 = true
The package can also compute intersection products, in a sense. Given subvarieties X,V of a smooth variety Y in some ambient variety M (a product of projective spaces), we can compute the push-forward to M of the intersection product of V on X in Y.
As a very basic example, consider the smooth quadric Q in PP^3, together with lines L1, L2 from the two rulings.
R = makeProductRing(QQ,{3})
(x,y,z,w) = toSequence gens R
Q = ideal "xy-zw"
L1 = ideal "x,w"
L2 = ideal "y,w"
We can compute the intersection product L1.L2 in Q.
o16 = h
We can also compute the self-intersection of one of the lines.
o17 = 0