- script to configure Ubuntu Bastion Server for Gitlab Runner.
There is an input of the necessary parameters with the ability to use the default parameters.
There are 8 installation options:
- Full Setup Bastion Server and Register Gitlab Runner
- Only Install Gitalb Runner
- Only Install Docker and Docker Compose
- Only Install Docker Machine
- Only Register Gitlab Runner
- Only Install AWS CLI and AWS Login
- Only Add Cron AWS Login
- Only Setup Bastion Server
Ansible must be installed on the server you need!
To install, you need to download scripts and run bash
What is included in the server setup System:
- Install Gitlab Runner latest version!
- Install Docker and Docker-compose latest version!
- Install Docker-machine latest version!
- Install AWS cli latest version!
- Configure Gitalb Runner
- Configure AWS parameters
- Add AWS Login to Cron Job
Configs is Copyright © 2015-2021 Codica. It is released under the MIT License.
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