This is a quick (and dirty) way to get Prometheus to send SNMP traps, by mapping AlertManager "Annotations" and "Labels" to generic SNMP OIDs.
- Prometheus gathers metrics
- Prometheus appraises metrics against rules
- If rules are triggered then alerts are raised through the AlertManager
- The AlertManager triggers notifications to the webhook_snmptrapper
- The webhook_snmptrapper forwards alerts as SNMP traps to the configured trap-address
) defines two notifications:
- prometheusTrapperFiringNotification: Notification for an alert that has occured
- prometheusTrapperRecoveryNotification: Notification for an alert that has recovered
The MIB can be loaded into whatever SNMP Trap-server you're using. See Dockerfile for a working demo using net-snmp on Alpine Linux.
Both of these traps contain the following variables:
- prometheusTrapperNotificationInstance: The instance or hostname
- prometheusTrapperNotificationService: A name for the service affected
- prometheusTrapperNotificationLocation: The physical location where the alert was generated
- prometheusTrapperNotificationSeverity: The severity of the alert
- prometheusTrapperNotificationDescription: Text description of the alert
- prometheusTrapperNotificationTimestamp: When the alert was first generated
AlertManager needs to be configured to fire webhooks as notifications, with a pre-defined assortment of labels and annotations (these map to the SNMP MIB provided). Each alert should have the following parameters:
- description: A string describing the alert (prometheusTrapperNotificationDescription)
- instance: A string containing a unique host-identifier / hostname / instance-id / IP-address etc (prometheusTrapperNotificationInstance)
- severity: A string describing the severity of the alert (prometheusTrapperNotificationSeverity)
- location: A string describing the location of the instance(s) / system(s) generating the alert (prometheusTrapperNotificationLocation)
- service: A string describing the service affected (prometheusTrapperNotificationService)
- -snmpcommunity: The SNMP community string (default =
) - -snmpretries: The number of times to retry sending traps (default =
) - -snmptrapaddress: The address to send traps to (default =
) - -webhookaddress: The address to listen for incoming webhooks on (default =