Dependent packages are installed automatically.
pip install awscli boto3 pyyaml --upgrade
git clone
cd ecsub
python build install
First, set up aws configure
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <YOUR ACCESS KEY>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY>
Default region name [None]: <REGION>
Default output format [None]: json
Next, create your S3_bucket, as follows.
aws s3 mb s3://yourbucket
Optionally, push your docker image (requires python) to dockerhub or Amazon ECR.
- Create "ecsub-user" group, then attach the following policies.
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonECS_FullAccess
- S3_S3FullAccess (It is better to limit "Resource:")
- AWSPriceListServiceFullAccess
- CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
- CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess
- Create "ecsInstanceRole" role with AWS EC2, then attach the following policies.
- AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role
- S3_S3FullAccess
- CloudWatchMetricFullAccess(create yourself. Choose "CloudWatch:*Metric*")
- Edit trust, add "allow ecs-tasks"
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ["", ""]
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
$ ecsub submit --help
usage: ecsub submit [-h] [--wdir path/to/dir] [--image docker/image:tag]
[--use-amazon-ecr] [--shell path/to/bash]
[--setup-container-cmd "pip install awscli"] [--dind]
--script path/to/ --tasks path/to/tasks.tsv
[--task-name task-name] --aws-s3-bucket s3://output/bucket
[--aws-ec2-instance-type t3.micro,t2.micro]
[--aws-ec2-instance-type-list t3.micro,t2.micro]
[--aws-ecs-instance-role-name ecsInstanceRole]
[--disk-size 22] [--processes 20]
[--processes-file-check 10]
[--aws-security-group-id sg-ab123456,sg-ab456789]
[--aws-key-name key-123ab] [--aws-log-group-name lg-name]
[--aws-subnet-id subnet-123456ab] [--spot] [--retry-od]
[--request-payer-bucket bucket-name] [--ignore-location]
[--not-verify-bucket] [--skip-price] [--waiter-delay 15]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wdir path/to/dir output temporary data
--image docker/image:tag
docker image
--use-amazon-ecr use_amazon_ecr
--shell path/to/bash path to bash or ash in docker-container
--setup-container-cmd "pip install awscli"
awscli install command
--dind Docker in Docker?
--script path/to/
run script
--tasks path/to/tasks.tsv
--task-name task-name
submit name as AWS ECS cluster name
--aws-s3-bucket s3://output/bucket
AWS your S3 bucket
--aws-ec2-instance-type t3.micro,t2.micro
AWS instance types, split with ','
--aws-ec2-instance-type-list t3.micro,t2.micro
(Deprecated as it is to be decommissioned.) AWS
instance types, split with ','
--aws-ecs-instance-role-name ecsInstanceRole
AWS ECS instance role name
--disk-size 22 Size of extra disk space in GiB for container layers
and mounted volumes, excluding 30GiB for OS and docker
--processes 20 maximum multi processes
--processes-file-check 10
maximum multi processes for exists of iput files
--aws-security-group-id sg-ab123456,sg-ab456789
AWS your security_group_ids, split with ','
--aws-key-name key-123ab
AWS your key pair name
--aws-log-group-name lg-name
AWS Cloudwatch Logs Log-group-name
--aws-subnet-id subnet-123456ab
AWS subnet_id
--spot [spot] use spot instance
--retry-od [spot] In case of failure, retry on demand instance
--request-payer-bucket bucket-name
Aware that you will be charged for downloading objects
in requester pays buckets. Split with ','
--ignore-location Ignore differences in location
--not-verify-bucket Do not verify input pathes
--skip-price Skip get pricing from aws
--waiter-delay 15 The amount of time(sec) to boto3 waiter
For example,
ecsub submit \
--script ${ecsub_root}/examples/ \
--tasks ${ecsub_root}/examples/tasks-wordcount.tsv \
--aws-s3-bucket ${bucket}/output/ \
--wdir /tmp/ecsub/ \
--image python:2.7.14 \
--aws-ec2-instance-type t2.micro \
--disk-size 22
$ ecsub report --help
usage: ecsub report [-h] [--wdir path/to/dir] [--past] [-f]
[-b [YYYYMMDDhhmm]] [-e [YYYYMMDDhhmm]] [--max 20]
[--sortby sort_key]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wdir path/to/dir {PATH} when 'ecsub submit --wdir {PATH}'
--past display summary in previous version.
-f, --failed display failed or abnoraml exit status job only.
-b [YYYYMMDDhhmm], --begin [YYYYMMDDhhmm]
The earliest createdAt time for jobs to be summarized,
in the format [YYYYMMDDhhmm]
-e [YYYYMMDDhhmm], --end [YYYYMMDDhhmm]
The latest createdAt time for jobs to be summarized,
in the format [YYYYMMDDhhmm]
--max 20 Maximum display count
--sortby sort_key Sort summary key
For example,
ecsub report --wdir /tmp/ecsub -b 201901250000 --max 5
| exitCode| taskname| no| Spot| job_startAt| job_endAt| instance_type| cpu| memory| disk_size| instance_createAt| instance_stopAt| log_local| | 0| sample1| 000| F| 2019/01/25 18:07:40 | 2019/01/25 18:13:46 | t2.micro| 1| 900| 1| 2019/01/25 18:07:40 | 2019/01/25 18:13:46 | /tmp/ecsub/sample1/log/describe-tasks.000.0.log| | 255| sample2| 000| F| 2019/01/25 16:42:00 | 2019/01/25 16:46:33 | t2.micro| 1| 800| 1| 2019/01/25 16:42:00 | 2019/01/25 16:46:33 | /tmp/ecsub/sample2/log/describe-tasks.000.0.log| | NA| sample3| 000| F| 2019/01/25 17:14:58 | | | | | 1| 2019/01/25 17:14:58 | | | | 0| sample4| 000| F| 2019/01/25 22:06:30 | 2019/01/25 22:20:24 | i2.8xlarge| 32| 245900| 1| 2019/01/25 22:06:30 | 2019/01/25 22:20:24 | /tmp/ecsub/sample4/log/describe-tasks.000.0.log| | 1| sample5| 000| F| 2019/01/26 07:20:48 | 2019/01/26 07:20:48 | x1e.xlarge| 0| 0| 1| 2019/01/26 07:20:48 | 2019/01/26 07:20:48 | |
ecsub creates logs on AWS CloudWatch. If you need, you can download log-files to local directory, and remove log-streams from AWS.
$ ecsub logs
usage: ecsub logs [-h] [--wdir path/to/dir]
[--log-group-prefix ecsub-task-wordcount]
[--log-group-name ecsub-task-wordcount-aBc012]
[--log-stream-prefix ecsub/log-stream-name-prefix] [--tail]
For example,
- download log
# all streams
ecsub logs download --wdir /tmp/ecsub --log-group-prefix ecsub-task-wordcount
# specify streams
ecsub logs download --wdir /tmp/ecsub --log-group-name ecsub-task-wordcount-aBc012 --log-stream-prefix ecsub/task-wordcount-aBc012_tasks/xxx
# last event
ecsub logs download --wdir /tmp/ecsub --log-group-name ecsub-task-wordcount --tail
ecsub logs download --wdir /tmp/ecsub --log-group-name ecsub-task-wordcount-aBc012 --log-stream-prefix ecsub/task-wordcount-aBc012_tasks/xxx --tail
- remove log-groups
ecsub logs remove-log-group --log-group-prefix ecsub-task-wordcount
- remove log-streams
ecsub logs remove-log-stream --log-group-name ecsub-task-wordcount-aBc012 --log-stream-prefix ecsub/task-wordcount-aBc012_tasks/xxx
Attention! If task ends normally (exit with 0, 1, 255...), it does not need to be executed.
subcommand is used for jobs that have a creation date ("instance_createAt") but no end date ("instance_stopAt") as shown below.
| exitCode| taskname| no| ... | instance_createAt| instance_stopAt| log_local| | NA| sample3| 000| ... | 2019/01/25 17:14:58 | | |
$ ecsub delete --help
usage: ecsub delete [-h] [--wdir path/to/dir] task-name
positional arguments:
task-name task name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wdir path/to/dir {PATH} when 'ecsub submit --wdir {PATH}'
For example,
ecsub delete --wdir /tmp/ecsub sample2-bRnfG
See document LICENSE.