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opensearch support

Vinay Satish edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 1 revision

=> for external ES

  • we dont have authentication
  • so erchef can connect directly, no problem

=> for external OS

  • they will provinding opensearch super user, through chef-server.rb or default.rb
  • using that, we create new user using chef-secrets,
  • we do our operations using the new user we created
  • validation - erchef should connect to OS using the chef-secrets => OS changes in general

  • there are some change for OS in erchef pushed to main, thats why we have some flags like 'search_auth_enabled' and usernam and password
  • we need to create a new user because, we have been creating new user for postgres in erchef and bifrost and storing it in chef-secreats. we want to use the same patteren for OS also. OS is used by erchef only, so only one user is enough.
  • need a flag to identify if its solar, or ES or OS (can we reuse the existing flag - 'search_provider')
  • must use 'search_auth_enabled' flag for OS, for others not sure
  • erchef Shahid will be handeling

=> omnibus side changes

  • ommnibus need to create a new user using http requests by triggering helper.rb/create_opensearch_user
  • best place to trigger the method is recepies/elasticsearch_index.rb, next best resource/elasticsearch_index.rb
  • this must be triggered before creating the index - optmize if required
  • optimize the helper.rb/elastic_search_major_version and resource/elasticsearch_index.rb/auth_header method
  • verify - check if PrivateChef.credentials.get reads from chef-seacrets
  • to create new user for OS checkout private_chef.rb file
  • to get the super user password, make changes to chef-server-ctl secrets