A combination of PowerShell Pester tests and Azure Resource Graph to collect & evaluate resources in all Azure subscriptions in a tenant against the CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark
PowerShell: v5.1 (untested on PowerShell core v6.0+ or newer Az-* modules, so YMMV)
- Required PowerShell Modules:
- AzureRM.Profile
- AzureRM.RecoveryServices
- AzureRM.Resources
- AzureRM.Insights
- AzureRM.Storage
- AzureRM.KeyVault
- AzureRM.Sql
- AzureRM.ResourceGraph
- Required PowerShell Modules:
- Install the Resource Graph module from PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module -Name AzureRm.ResourceGraph -AllowPrerelease
- Open a PowerShell command window
- Change current working dir to /tests
- Execute run-parallel.ps1 script with mandatory parameters
PS C:> ./run-parallel.ps1 -TenantId 246bc2f6-b346-4d11-b4c6-f7caa1a14ef5 -ExcludedSubscriptions @('8c8f1cc6-2399-43d0-97cb-99c92cd2f4d1', '3eed024d-e77d-4f97-868e-ccb2ce0ed78f')
The script will execute the ./tests/resource.tests.parallel.ps1 Pester script for each subscription in parallel using PowerShell runspaces. Once complete, two files will be created in /tests/results (results.html & results.json)