A sample application can be found here https://microhms.onrender.com (admin / admin@123)
- Create Bookings, send Booking acknowledgements via email (Mailgun).
- Store guest details & identification and verify through Mobile OTP.
- View Today's & Monthly Bookings.
- Role based access to functionality (Admin/User).
- Create and manage billing entries.
- Generate professional invoices via inbuilt template.
- Setup database (heroku-postgresql hobby-dev is a great free option).
- Add database URL to .env file (example provided).
- Setup API keys in .env file as per need.
- Setup a local environment.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Upgrade database to our model.
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
- Create an Admin user and sample data.
python3 -m quickstart
- Run your application
flask run
Use the dockerfile and docker-compose
- Build
docker-compose up -d --build
- Create Database tables
docker-compose exec web python manage.py create_db
- Create an Admin user and sample data.
$ docker-compose exec web python manage.py seed_db
Sample data inserted
You can now login with admin/admin@123
You can now create a new user with admin/admin@123
- Check the tables for inserted data
docker-compose exec db psql --username=microhms --dbname=microhms
microhms=# \c
You are now connected to database "microhms" as user "microhms".
microhms=# select * from public.user;
id | username | password | active
1 | admin | pbkdf2:sha256:260000$9T1l5qp81l8V6nBU$c7a2597c7a1ae7da919b1b2751e66eb8f65ebc26f199ba89686072e202b5c57d | t
(1 row)
This can be deployed to heroku easily using the existing procfile.
heroku git:remote -a yourappname
git push heroku main
Homepage | Guest Verification | Booking |
Billing Entry | Manage Invoices | Sample Invoice |
Register User | Login |
Mailgun and MSG91 API's are used for Email and OTP respectively. These can be replaced by alternatives in
. -
Booking page requires an OTP to verify the guest first, for testing purposes 1000 value will bypass this page. MAKE SURE TO REMOVE THIS LATER.