It reads utilisation metrics about virtual machines running on the KVM hypervisor from different sources:
- the Linux /proc filesystem
- using the virsh [1] tool
Why yet another monitoring tool for virtual machines?
The CPU measurements are read directly from the hypervisors Linux kernel. kvmtop takes into account the difference between CPU utilisation inside and outside the virtual machine, which will differ e.g. in cases of cpu over provisioning. kvmtop also collects utilisation values of the hypervisor for virtual machines, to measure the overhead needed to run a virtual machine.
kvmtop --help
Usage of bin/kvmtop:
use simple output e.g. for scripts (default: false)
show cpu (default: true) (default true)
show disk (default: false)
show memory (default: false)
show network (default: false)
-qemu-binary-name string
binary name of qemu driver. default qemu-kvm (default "qemu-kvm")
-r int
runs x times then terminates. default -1 (runs forever) (default -1)
-s int
sleep n seconds between runs. default 1s (default 1)
show uuid (default: false)
show version
Exemplary output
vmname CpuCS CpuVM CpuPM CpuST CpuIO ram-used ram-total
vm1 2 5% 5% 0% 1% 1024MB 1024MB
vm2 4 15% 15% 0% 1% 1024MB 1024MB
mkdir kvmtop && cd kvmtop
go get ""
go get ""
export GOPATH=`pwd`
go install
The go install
will produce a binary located at ./bin/kvmtop
In CENTOS7 Kernel, the schedstats are not exported any more [1][2]. One way of installing a kernel, which exports the necessary metrics is to use the ELRepo kernel-ml:
# import key
rpm --import
# install repository
rpm -Uvh
# install most current kernel-ml
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-ml
Reboot into newly installed kernel. Then remove the old kernels!
yum list kernel*
yum erase kernel
Take care with diskless nodes. To boot into new kernel, the file pxelinux.cfg/default has to be changed on the storage node.
[1] [2]