This is a firmware for 32U4 based Arduino boards that reads a force sensor on an analog pin, transforming the readout into one axis of an USB joystick device.
It is conceived and tested on a Sparkfun Micro Pro, but should work on other 32U4 based boards as well.
Originally I wanted to build it with a load cell and HX711, but they take up much space and the HX711 allows for just up to 60 measurements/sec.
So I decided to use a film-based force sensor.
- Sparkfun Micro Pro or similar Atmega32U4
- Resistive film force/pressure sensor, 5-50kg
- 10R 1/8W resistor
| 32U4 Vcc |----------+
| board | / \
| | ____ \ / sensor
| GND |-|____|---+
| | 10R |