v3.83.0 (2024-10-08)
This release contains a bug where artifacts that take longer than 60 seconds to upload or download will fail.
Please use v3.83.1 instead.
- Exit with code 94 if a mirror lock times out #3023 (@DrJosh9000)
- Add support for oidc aws session tags #3015 (@sj26)
- Support for future multipart artifact uploads #2991 (@DrJosh9000)
- Tweak BUILDKITE_IGNORED_ENV handling #3029 (@DrJosh9000)
- BUG FIX: Ensure Build Title Is Correct When Checkout Is Skipped #3024 (@123sarahj123)
- Ensure all string slice args have whitespace cleaned off of each element #3021 (@moskyb)
- Fix data race on worker stop #3016 (@DrJosh9000)
- Migrate Agent Pipeline to Agent Cluster #3018 (@matthewborden)
- Refactor the various agent HTTP clients #3017 (@DrJosh9000)
- Dependabot bumps to busybox #3025, golang.org/x packages #3027, cloud provider packages #3028, #3019, #3013, #3009, DataDog packages #3010 Ubuntu #3012, #3008, and go-pipeline #3014 (@dependabot[bot])