This is a BeagleBone Black Cape designed for electronically locking or unlocking a single door. It can control either a 12V door strike or a 12V door magnet.
You can order this PCB from oshpark here:
The cape has the following features:
- Dual relays to ensure door is closed if a relay fails
- opto-isolated GPIO inputs for detecting door status and/or relay failure
- Jumpers for configuring door strike or door magnet (NO/NC)
- on-board voltage regulator so BBB can be powered via 12V
- connectors for two external software controlled 12V lamps
- LED indicators for 12V, 5V, relay engagement, and external lamps
- 24C256 EEPROM w/ address configurable via jumpers
- headers for an RPi/Arduino-compatible realtime clock module