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Joe Politz edited this page Aug 3, 2016 · 6 revisions


This page describes the design goals, semantics, and syntax for table values in Pyret. It is a mish-mash of various design proposals, with an attempt to solidify what it is we are aiming to create.

Warning: This proposal is still in its infancy, so this page might change drastically before any final launch.

Table of Contents


Tables are a new type of value being added to Pyret with the aim of allowing students to process tabular data with ease. In order to make this as intuitive as possible, we have opted to implement an SQL-like mini language in the syntax of Pyret which provides various data-processing functions to users.


The following notation is used in this document:

Notation Meaning
<NAME> Meta-variable
<[NAME]> JS Function NAME

Constructing Tables


The syntax for constructing a table is as follows:

table: <COL-NAME> [:: <COL-ANN>]? [, <COL-NAME> [:: <COL-ANN>]?]*
  [row: <ROW-VALUE> [, <ROW-VALUE>]*]+

Consider the following table:

Timestamp What is your name? What is your age? Who is your vote for president?
2016-01-01 James McAvoy 30 Magneto
2016-01-02 Matt Murdock 35 Stick
2016-01-03 Shallan Davar 20 Stick

This table would be constructed in the following way in Pyret:

my-table = table: timestamp, name, age, president
             row: "2016-01-01", "James McAvoy",  30, "Magneto"
             row: "2016-01-02", "Matt Murdock",  35, "Stick"
             row: "2016-01-03", "Shallan Davar", 20, "Stick"

Another example:

world = table: name, gdp, pop, area
          row: "Atlantis", 1000, 10, 0
          row: "Amestris", 9999, 1000, 5000
          row: "Kamina City", 2000, 9999, 9999

(Note that references to my-table in this document are referring to the above example)

Note: As it currently stands, tables are immutable.

Implementation Notes

Under the hood, tables are Pyret values (hosted in a JS module...see /src/js/trove/table.js) which are targets of desugaring.

For example, the following code:

table: a :: Number, b
  row: 1, 2
  row: 3, 4

desugars into

<[makeTable]>([raw-array: "a", "b"], 
                [raw-array: <[checkNumber]>(1), 2]
                [raw-array: <[checkNumber]>(3), 4]])

Extending Tables

"Extending" tables refers to updating their schema to include new columns. In general, there are two main types of extensions:

Name Description
mapped Values can be computed from one row
reduced Values are accumulated across multiple rows

For example, adding a column to my-table with a boolean value indicating whether or not that person is voting for Magneto would be a mapped extension, while something like the average age would be a reduced extension.


The syntax for extending tables is as follows:

extend <TABLE> [using <COLUMN> [, <COLUMN>]*]? :
  (<NEW-COLUMN-NAME>: (<BINOP> | (<EXPR> of <COLUMN>)))+

The column names following using are in scope within the body of the extend expression.

There are two variants of extensions. The first one, of the form <NEW-COLUMN-NAME>: <BINOP> represents a mapped extension. Alternatively, extensions of the form <NEW-COLUMN-NAME>: <EXPR> of <COLUMN> represent the usage of a Reducer object with the specified column to create a reduced extension.

A Reducer object is defined as follows:

type Reducer<A, B> = {
  # The base case of the reducer
  one :: (A -> B),
  # The combinator function
  reduce :: (B, A -> B)

Note that extending an empty table returns an empty table.

Example usage:

running-sum :: Reducer<Number, Number> = {
  one: lam(v :: Number): v end,
  reduce: lam(curr, from-row):
    curr + from-row

extend world using gdp, pop, area:
  gdp-per-pop: gdp / pop,
  area-so-far: running-sum of area

extend my-table:
  seven: 7

Transforming Tables

Transforming tables is similar to extending them, but users are limited to overwriting the contents of existing columns.


The syntax for transforming tables is as follows:

transform <TABLE> [using <COLUMN> [, <COLUMN>]*]? :

The semantics are the same as those in extend, with the additional note that if <DEST-COLUMN> is one of the columns specified after using, its value in either the mapped or reduced value is its original (pre-transformed) value (naturally).

Example usage:

transform my-table using president:
  # Change to a boolean indicating if they are voting for Magneto
  president: (president == "Magneto")

Selecting From Tables

Selecting from tables is the process of pulling out a subset of columns from the table (akin to the SELECT statement in SQL).


The syntax for selection is as follows:

select <COLUMN> [, <COLUMN>]* from <TABLE> end

Example usage:

names-and-ages = select name, age from my-table end

Filtering Tables (sieve)

Filtering is the process of selecting rows from a table which pass a given criteria.


The syntax for filtering a table is as follows:

sieve <TABLE> [using <COLUMN> [, <COLUMN>]*]? :

<BINOP> should return a boolean value. If that value is true for a given row, that row is kept.

Example usage:

wants-stick = sieve my-table using president: president == "Stick" end

Ordering Tables

Users may also sort tables by any column (assuming, of course, that its datatype can be compared...something for the to-do list is the ability to use an arbitrary comparator).


The syntax for ordering a table is as follows:

order <TABLE>:
  <COLUMN> (ascending | descending)

Example usage:

sorted-by-age = order my-table: age descending end

Extracting Tables

The extract functionality allows users to pull columns out of tables as lists.


The syntax for extraction is as follows:

extract <COLUMN> from <TABLE> end

Example usage:

  (extract name from world end) is [list: "Atlantis", "Amestris", "Kamina City"]
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