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This repository provides tools for managing BICAN Permanent URLs (PURLs).

This repository is cloned and customized from OBO Foundry Permanent URLs. Like per-directory Apache configuration files (.htaccess files) are utilized, each of which uses RedirectMatch directives to redirect PURL requests to their proper targets. Unlike, the Apache configuration files aren't manually edited by hand. Instead, simple YAML configuration format is used, and those YAML configuration are translated into Apache configurations. The YAML files are easier to read and write, and allow us to validate and test PURLs automatically.

Adding and Updating PURLs

Please use one of these four options to make changes to the PURLs:

  1. Create a new issue describing the change you require.

  2. Browse to the configuration file you want to change and click the "pencil" icon to edit it.

  3. Add a new configuration file.

  4. Fork this repository and make a pull request.

All changes are reviewed before they are merged into the master branch. Once merged, updated PURLs will be active within 20 minutes.

Configuration Format

Four namespaces are available:

Each project using this service gets a YAML configuration file in the related config/ folder. That YAML configuration file is used to generate an Apache .htaccess file for that ontology. That Apache configuration will apply to all PURLs for that project.

Every YAML configuration file must have these fields:

  • idspace: the project's IDSPACE, case-sensitive, usually uppercase
  • base_url: the part of a PURL that comes after the domain, usually lowercase
  • products: a list of primary files for the resources and the URLs to redirect them

BICAN_URL ::={base_url}/{product}

Optional fields include:

Here's an example adapted from the config/taxonomy/CCN201912131.yml file:

idspace: CCN201912131
base_url: /taxonomy/CCN201912131

- CCN201912131.json:


- exact: /CCN201912131.json

Most of these fields are straightforward, but the entries: need some more explanation.


Each YAML configuration file contains the keyword entries: followed by a list of entries. Each entry defines an Apache RedirectMatch directive for matching URLs and redirecting to new URLs. Every entry begins with a - , followed by keywords and values on indented lines. There are three types of entries:

  1. exact: The simplest entry matches an exact URL and returns an exact replacement
  2. prefix: These entries match the first part of a URL and replace just that prefix part
  3. regex: These entries use powerful regular expressions, and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

The # character indicates a comment, which is not considered part of the configuration.

See the tools/examples/test1/test1.yml and tools/examples/test1/test1.htaccess for examples.


In the most common case, your PURL should match a unique URL and redirect to a unique URL. Here's an example from the config/ontology/pcl.yml file:

 - exact: /pcl-base.owl 

This entry will match exactly the URL, and it will redirect to exactly The matched domain name is fixed; the next part is defined by base_url /ontology/pcl/ (namespace should be compatible with the folder ontology that the config file resides); the final part is taken from the entry /pcl-base.owl. The replacement is expected to be a valid, absolute URL, starting with http.

Behind the scenes, the entry is translated into a case-insensitive Apache RedirectMatch directive in ontology/pcl/.htaccess by escaping special characters and "anchoring" with initial ^, the project's base URL, and final $:

RedirectMatch temp "(?i)^/ontology/pcl/pcl-base\.owl$" ""


You can also match and replace just the first part of a URL, leaving the rest unchanged. This allows you to define one entry that redirects many URLs matching a common prefix. Another example from config/ontology/pcl.yml:

- prefix: /releases/

This entry will match the URL (for example), replace the first part with, resulting in Effectively, the pcl.owl is appended to the replacement.

The translation is similar, with the addition of (.*) wildcard and a $1 "backreference" at the ends of the given strings:

RedirectMatch temp "(?i)^/releases/(.*)$" "$1"


Regular expression entries should only be needed very rarely, and should always be used very carefully.

For the regular expression type, the value of the regex: and replacement: keywords should contain regular expressions in exactly the format expected by Apache RedirectMatch. The values will be quoted, but no other changes will be made to them. Consider using (?i) to make the match case-insensitive.


Every prefix or regex entry should also have a tests: keyword, with a list of additional URLs to check. Each test requires a from: value (like exact:) and a to: value (like replacement:). Here's an example:

- prefix: /releases/
  - from: /releases/2022-01-24/pcl.owl

Order of Entries

Apache RedirectMatch directives are processed in the order that they appear in the configuration file. Be careful that your prefix and regex entries do not conflict with your other entries. The YAML-to-Apache translation preserves the order of entries, so you can control the order of processing, but it's best to avoid conflicts.


See Docker based deployment instructions from here