Files for the Squid60 keyboard designed by me as a commission for Chewwy. Includes alps plates for those that want to get those made.
IMPORTANT: For the alps plates with alps stabs it might be best to remove the non-flipped stab hole cutouts (the lower two rectangles that are close to the mounting tabs) if you don't plan on using a non-flipped spacebar. I left it there for the option of the end user, but would highly recommend removing them as it does remove material very close to the mounting tabs.
WARNING: If you plan on using alps switches please note you either have to order a 1.5mm plate or a 1mm/1.2mm plate (both are alps spec) and use a gasket on the top of the plate tabs in order to fill the gap between it and the case or the plate will rattle around a lot. Being sandwich mount the plate thickness is important. Gasket needs to be 0.2-0.5mm (possibly more so it compresses a little bit) in thickness in order to fill the gap properly, always put it on the topside or the plate will tap on the top of the case when the gasket compresses during typing.