iStat Server is a system monitoring daemon that is used in conjunction with iStat View for iOS and iStat View for macOS to remotely monitor computers.
curl -fsSL -o && sh
Quick install will install and update any required packages. If you do not want packages installed or updated automatically then please perform a manual install using the instructions below
- Linux
- FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and other BSD based OSs
- Solaris
- HP-UX (Still in development and not tested)
- C and C++ compilers such as gcc and g++.
- Auto tools (autoconf and automake).
- OpenSSL/libssl + development libraries.
- sqlite3 + development libraries.
- libxml2 + development libraries.
We have a package guide available to help you install all the required packages for your OS.
- Download and decompress source
- cd /path/to/istatserver
- ./autogen
- ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- sudo /usr/local/bin/istatserver -d (daemon mode)
A 5 digit passcode is generated by the install script. It can be found in the preference file, which is generally located at /usr/local/etc/istatserver/istatserver.conf. iStat View will ask for this passcode the first time you connect to your computer.
Upgrades follow the same process as standard installs. Please stop istatserver if it is running then run the normal build process.
iStat Server does not install any scripts to start itself at boot. Sample scripts for rc.d, upstart and systemd are included in the resources directory. You may need to customize them depending on your OS.
- sudo cp ./resource/systemd/istatserver.service /etc/systemd/system/istatserver.service
- sudo service istatserver start
- sudo cp ./resource/upstart/istatserver.conf /etc/init/istatserver.conf
- sudo start istatserver
- sudo cp ./resource/rc.d/istatserver /etc/rc.d/istatserver
- sudo /etc/rc.d/istatserver start
iStat Server is based on istatd by William Tisäter.
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