A dashboard monitoring the energy usage and carbon emissions of the Polkadot ecosystem. Providing real-time updates for anyone to explore the relaychain and various parachains.
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Emission analysis is conducted through aggregation of geolocation, grid efficiency and average compuatation data provided by parachain operators.
Update DATABASE_URL in .env to connect your postgres database
To set up the cron job, provide Github secrets with the relevant POSTGRES_PASSWORD and DATABASE_URL
OR you can setup cron job by yourself:
crontab -e
0 0,6,12,18 * * * node --experimental-json-modules /path/to/scripts/createNetworkData.mjs
To ensure robust database security throughout the dashboard, /api/ endpoints are passed down through getStaticProps, Prisma is never directly used on the client, all database interactions happen using server-side NodeJS code. To prevent reentrancy attacks, a random nonce is generated and signed each time parachain/DApp information is updated.
You can run this Dashboard in Docker containers with minimal effort as follows:
Install docker and docker composer from https://www.docker.com
From the project folder execute: You can run the server in a docker container executing the following command from the project folder:
docker compose up -d
Please wait for a few minutes to let the server populate some records in the
The server will be reachable browsing http://localhost:3001