Move the hero around to avoid attacks from the monster while trying to destroy those monsters.
- Hero only shoots when it is stationary.
- The monsters get stronger as level increase.
- Hero can be upgraded in terms of both health and damage.
- Coins can be obtained by killing the monsters.
- When monsters die, there is a 27.27% chance of dropping a health item. This heals hero by 500 health points.
- Details about total coins, total health of hero and damage caused by hero is saved in the local storage.
Hero can be moved using following keyboard Inputs:
- Up Arrow to move Hero Up.
- Down Arrow to move Hero Down.
- Left Arrow to move Hero Left.
- Right Arrow to move Hero Right.
- Up Arrow + Left Arrow to move hero to Top Left.
- Up Arrow + Right Arrow to move hero to Top Right.
- Down Arrow + Left Arrow to move hero to Bottom Left.
- Down Arrow + Right Arrow to move hero to Bottom Right.
This project is live here.