This backend system allows list, create, retrive, insert, update, partial update, delete features for school and students. There is one to many relationship between school and students. Each school has its maximum limit, system does not allow to create students if maximum limit reached. System allows to list, create, update, delete, retrive, partial update students belongs to school. Some features like filter, pagination, search, order by id implemented in both school and students.
Clone this repo,
git clone
Goto project root directory Activate virtual environment
pipenv shell
Install dependencies
pipenv install or pipenv install --dev
To run tests
Copy .env.example file located inside school_mgnt/school_mgnt to .env and set postgresql database credentials
cp school_mgnt/.env.example school_mgnt/.env
Edit .env with your favorite editor
vi school_mgnt/.env
Run db migration
python migrate
Collect static files for swagger UI
python collectstatic
Run djano server
python runserver