Docker LAMP for Drupal Project Development
- Apache 2.4.38(Debian)
- MySQL 8.0
- PhpMyAdmin
- PHP 7.3.8
- Drush 9.7.1
- Composer 1.9.0
- Memcached 3.1.3
- Mailhog (for catching the email from Drupal app)
- Drupal Console 1.9.3
- Drupal Check (
- xdebug 2.9.6 (Visual Studio Code)
Install docker on your machine (instructions availabe in docker) also install git bash
git clone
cd docker-drupal-lamp
docker-compose up -d
Open phpmyadmin at http://localhost:8000 Open web browser to look at a simple php example at http://localhost also Secure connection https://localhost
Place your Drupal code on www directory it is already mount on apache container /var/www/html directory
You can aslo access your container with below command, container name you will get from docker ps -a
docker exec -it <CONTAINTER NAME> bash
docker exec -it db mysql -u root -p
Username : user Password : test
Username : root Password : test
For Mailhog access Just visit - http://localhost:8025/
For Xdebug (Visual Studio Code) Install PHP Debug extention then add launch.json to Visual Studio Code.