LSP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CMP or COQ mason lsp-config lsp-zero conform ??
UTIL %%%%%%%%%%%%% harpoon2 flash (jump to search) autopairs gitsigns
UI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gitsigns trouble ibl lualine tabufline
COLOR %%%%%%%%%%%%% fillchars white (:hi EndOfBuffer ctermfg=white) current line light grey line numbers grey, current standout cursor inverts what's under it
git gutter
+ added
- removed
* modified
look at this:
hop vs flash wilder (for command auto complete)
coq, cmp are completion engines, they need snippets (cmp from luasnip) and lsp
mason handles language servers, it installs upgrades etc them
top level:
correct lazy loading and modularization lsp and tree-sitter nice, default-esque colorscheme
- nvim-highlight-colors
- which-key
- some tree thingy
- telescope
- lazygit
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% trouble? -> (to view problems in line) harpoon?
⌥ # alt
want white bar in normal
- normal
- insert
- visual
- replace
- command
file-name [+] if new buffer
- branch name
- dirty
- commits ahead, behind
ln:cl %
- nvim-ts-rainbow2
- lualine
- comment.nvim
- nvim-autopairs
- nvim-cmp
- which-key.nvim
- nvim-tree.lua
- live background, ui change reload
- greeting window, random ascii art
- nvim surround